The new year breathes fresh, new energy into your life. As you’re revamping your home improvement projects, don’t forget that this is a great time of year to plan for your outdoor living space to thrive this year. Below are our top tips for how you can prepare your landscape for spring.

Clear Away Debris

Every fresh, new start begins with cleaning out the old – and your landscaping is no exception. Take a look at where the winter season left your outdoor living space and make a plan to start cleaning up some of the debris. This includes pruning your garden and shrubs, cutting back the grass in your yard, getting rid of any weeds that have cropped up around your hardscaping, gently raking up any fallen leaves and twigs, and removing the mulch in your garden so your flower beds can properly thaw.

Fertilize Your Lawn

Just as your personal New Year’s resolutions may include eating a healthier diet, you can apply that same mindset to your lawn and garden by considering fertilization to be a source of nutrients your outdoor living space needs to be healthy. Consider the types of plants and shrubs you want to have in your landscaping space when choosing the type of fertilizer you need. Proper lawn fertilization promotes healthy root growth and replaces the nutrients that are lost through mowing.

Test Your Irrigation System

If you already have a landscaping irrigation system, this time of year is ideal to make sure it’s functioning properly. While you don’t want to leave your irrigation system watering your lawn during freezing temperatures, you can check that the pipes, valves, and sprinklers are all working before spring starts. If any repairs are needed, you have time to make repairs before the weather starts to warm up.

Plan your Landscaping Needs

The most important thing you can do for your spring residential landscaping is to plan ahead now. Since 2004, Grassroots has been servicing the Bryan-College Station area with residential landscape installation and management. Our team can provide a thorough assessment of your outdoor living space and make knowledgeable recommendations about what clean-up is needed, what type of fertilizer you should consider, and how to implement an irrigation system that will keep your grass and garden lush.

Our dedicated team of seasoned landscape architects, visionary designers, and skilled construction experts have a shared passion for the great outdoors. Are you ready to turn your spring landscape aspirations into a reality? Contact us today to arrange a consultation, and together, we’ll breathe life into your unique vision!



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